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Things to remember while starting marketing with animated videos

Things to remember while starting marketing with animated videos

The dream of any entrepreneur is to launch a startup. But it's a difficult thing to accomplish to survive a startup. According to estimates, 90% of companies fail for a variety of reasons. Startups must use a creative and effective approach to differentiate themselves from the competition if they are to experience success. Startups need to take advantage of every opportunity if they want to stay in business and succeed more often.

Because a quality product itself is not as vital as effective marketing. As a marketer, you must employ persuasive strategies to promote your goods to a larger audience.

"Animation videos" is the marketing buzzword of the day, especially for startups.

They are thought to be efficient due of:

  • They improve sales and increase internet presence.

  • They grab the audience's attention.

  • Engage the audience while promoting your product.

  • They are clear and inventive in their communication.

  • They quickly inform the audience about the goods.

  • They have an enduring effect.

  • They serve as a powerful call to action, which is their main function.

  • They adhere to the traditional AIDA marketing approach (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action )

Marketing with animation Let's explore each type of animated videos:

1. Explanation videos

Animation-based explainer videos have previously been shown to be effective as innovative marketing tools. When a product was introduced utilizing explainer videos, sales increased by 52%, it was observed. Additionally, about 65% of the audience was used to watching at least 3/4 of the video before making a choice. An explainer video that is effective must be able to bring in viewers and turn them into leads.

Things to consider when producing an explainer video.

  • It must be brief enough (about 60 to 90 seconds) to hold the viewer's interest and concise enough to cover all the information about the product in that time.

  • Make the explainer film straightforward and accessible to the general public.

  • In the explainer film, go over every facet of your product, including the issues customers have and the solutions you offer.

  • You will meet the viewers' needs if you place more emphasis on the product's advantages than its characteristics.

  • An explainer video's three most crucial components are high-quality images, voice-over narration, and an engaging narrative.

2. Replace your blog with a straightforward animated film

Additionally having a significant impact on corporate objectives, content marketing is thought to benefit companies. This is so because customers demand knowledge above all else, and a blog serves as a communication channel between customers and businesses.

An effective blend of animated videos and content marketing. From now on, maintaining it at a high level will require a lot of work. By addressing the concerns of the reader and providing insightful professional insight on them, you may maintain consistency in your blog. Try something different, like replacing your blog with a short animation film, to add more glitz to it. Due to its simplicity of use, your blog will gain popularity and increase in the "uniqueness quotient." When used for startup promotion, "animation films" may raise the value of your blog and negatively affect your sales.

3. Use GIFs in social media posts.

Social media provides a fantastic platform for advertising and marketing. GIFs in particular are sure to catch everyone's attention on the page. It has recently gained a reputation for being a flexible and interesting way to engage with people across the social sphere. GIFs are a marketing strategy that can be used by marketers to draw in viewers. The use of GIF animation in social media posts can help your company inadvertently. It may make the viewer laugh, feel sad, or get inspired. Additionally, because it is shareable, a larger audience can access it.

  • You should only utilize animated GIFs in your social media posts when they have the potential to draw the viewer's attention.

  • An animated GIF can be used to demonstrate a product or as a "How to" video.

  • Use an animated GIF to communicate the details of any upcoming events in your business.

  • You can utilize eye-catching GIFs in your email marketing to flashily display the contents.

  • Use GIFs to creatively welcome your consumers on each special occasion and maintain excellent relations.

4. Sales presentation

Animation videos are thought to be as successful as 100 salespeople as a sales tool. People reportedly only retain 20% of the things they hear, 40% of the things they read, and 80% of the things they see. Animation videos may be very helpful because of their appealing visuals, shorter attention spans, and more comprehensive explanations. Videos with animation can be used to:

Explain what your product do

Videos are a better approach to quickly convey your goods. When a product is described in a video, it tends to stick in the viewer's mind longer and, if it impresses them, leads to a preference for the product.

Increase brand recognition

On the internet, videos are viewed by 70.8% of users. Making an entertaining animation movie to sell your product can help brand messaging more successfully by capitalizing on this idea.

It boosts conversion rates.

Videos can be seen in 70% of the top 100 search result listings, and between 64 and 85% of viewers worldwide are more inclined to make a purchase following the viewing of a product video. Videos have higher conversion rates than content, whether they are placed on landing pages or home pages. This clarifies the effect that videos have on consumers as a sales tool.

Engage the audience.

A video of 60 seconds can replace 30,000 words. The goals of sales are to entice, persuade, and convert. Videos with animation are the ideal kind of sales tool for the area.

5. Video Marketing

In the current marketing environment, animated videos rule the video marketing world.

These figures speak for themselves.

  • For internet marketing, sales, and communication, 93% of marketers use video.

  • 81% of people display their videos on the website for their brand.

  • In the upcoming years, 96% of B2B businesses want to employ video in their content marketing.

  • Following the viewing of a video, 65% of the executives went to the vendor's website.

  • Videos on the home page are estimated to boost conversions by 20% or more.

  • Videos on landing pages have increased conversions by 80%.

  • Compared to the industry average of 32%, 49% of the top 20% of B2B marketers who generate leads through social media integrate online video with social media.


A startup's visibility quotient is essential to its success.

Customer base, promotion, content marketing, and social media are the main areas to build for startup marketing.

The use of animated movies in these contexts can greatly enhance startup marketing. Use this approach in your marketing, and do let us know how it goes.



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